Saturday, August 14, 2010

Writing Sample

The following article was an article written upon request, for a Christian publication.  Single use rights were purchased, so I retain rights.  Please contact me if you would like to purchase usage rights for this article, or to request a custom article for single use or full rights.

When to Have Children and How Many to Have
copyright 2010 by Rebecca MacLary

The Christian world varies widely on the issue of when to have children and how many to have; however, in looking at this issue from a Biblical perspective, one will see there is clear instruction.  For those who are searching, the Bible gives many references to family size and planning.  Some couples argue about contraceptives and if the prevention of pregnancy is a sin.

Starting with Genesis 9:7, “As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."  Further, Psalm 127:4-5 says, “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them.”  Obviously these passages tell us to have children, if we are able.

A problem many new couples have is whether they should trust in God’s ability to decide “when and how many”, or if they should use birth control “until the time is right”.  Some believe God has plans for everyone, and this leads people to believe that God can be trusted with the size of their family – so they choose not to use birth control in any form.

Couples should not just run off “willy-nilly” and procreate without some consideration as to their financial ability, maturity, and current life situations.  Although God will provide for those who trust in Him, one must also be considerate of all the circumstances before beginning a family.  “Are we mature enough?” is a major question to ask.  Also, “do we have a place to live?” and “are we at a time in our lives where we are able to focus on having and raising children?” are important issues.

Flowing from the issue of “are we ready?” is the decision to use birth control.  There is a lot of contention in the Christian community regarding the use of contraceptives.  The most important thing to consider is the motivation for birth control.  If the couple wishes to limit their children (or not have any at all) because they want to continue their comfortable lifestyle and have all the things they want (and believe that children will prevent them from doing so), this is selfish and sinful.  On the other hand, if a couple feels they are not mature enough for children, or are just not ready (one or both are in college), then this is reasonable and not a sin.  Limiting the number of children in an effort to be good stewards of the money that God has given a couple is also reasonable and acceptable and certainly not sinful.

The Bible provides clear direction when it comes to marriage, procreation, and raising families.  One need only do a small amount of research to discover what God has planned for each of us.  Whether one abstains from the use of contraceptives, or makes a responsible decision to delay a family, one must refer to what God has recommended and decide if the motivation for the decision is a righteous one, or sinful.

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